Chippewa Valley Legislative “Speed Dating”

Over 40 CEDC Investors representing banking, heath care, agriculture, manufacturing, education, and  construction attended the 2nd Chippewa Economic Development Corporation's (CEDC) legislative "speed dating" event.  Organized by CEDC and the Wisconsin Economic Development Association (WEDA), legislative speed dating was designed as a way for economic development stakeholders to meet Chippewa Valley's multiple legislators in a short amount of time. It allowed for focused discussions on various topics of interest. All of the Chippewa Valley's state representatives in the Assembly and Senate were invited as well as Congressman Derrick Van Orden to jump from table to table every 8 minutes to listen to issues of concern. Congressman Van Orden was represented, and State Senator Jesse James, State Senator Quinn, Rep. Dave Armstrong, Rep. Karen Hurd, and Rep. Moses all attended. WEDA has been working [...]

Chippewa Valley Legislative “Speed Dating”2024-03-08T14:25:42-06:00

CEDC President Presents at Best Practices Conference

Chippewa Economic Development Corporation (CEDC) President and CEO Charlie Walker presented at the 2023 Wisconsin Economic Development Association (WEDA) Best Practices Conference in Wausau, Wisconsin on September 27th-29th 2023. This conference provided attendees with an opportunity to delve into the core principles of economic development and address contemporary challenges, including workforce housing, childcare access, talent attraction, transportation issues, business retention and expansion best practices, and redevelopment and revitalization opportunities. Charlie Walker's presentation drew an audience of over 40 individuals eager to explore the topic of development agreements (DA) and best practices when working with the tool. Accompanied by notable speakers like Liz Brodek, Development Director, City of Wausau, and Randy Fifrick, Economic Development Manager, City of Wausau, the discussion covered developing an inclusive DA negotiation team to better reach consensus, setting ground rules, [...]

CEDC President Presents at Best Practices Conference2023-10-03T16:02:31-05:00

CEDC Nominated Projects Recognized By WEDA

The Wisconsin Economic Development Association (WEDA) recently announced the four winners of its annual Community and Economic Development Awards (CEDA). The CEDA Awards were established by WEDA to recognize and celebrate businesses, projects, and organizations that are making significant contributions to Wisconsin’s economy. Winners were unveiled and celebrated at the 2022 CEDA Awards Ceremony, which was held on Sept. 29 as part of WEDA’s Fall Best Practices Conference in La Crosse, WI. The Chippewa Economic Development Corporation (CEDC) nominated several projects that the organization has been involved and assisted with. The CEDC nominated the Mason Companies expansion project for WEDA’s Business Retention and Expansion category. This award honors innovative economic development projects where communities have successfully mobilized to help retain and potentially expand the operations of an existing business critical to the economic [...]

CEDC Nominated Projects Recognized By WEDA2022-10-07T13:57:28-05:00

Legislative “Speed Dating” Feedback Social Held

In partnership with the Wisconsin Economic Development Association (WEDA) and sponsored by Keller Builds, CEDC hosted the first of its kind legislative speed-dating type listening sessions with Chippewa Valley area legislators. Lona Cook of Cook Chiropractic, CEDC’s Advocacy Committee Chair, and Michael Welsh, Vice President of Legislative Affairs at WEDA, emceed the meeting, which was held at Main Street Cafe in Bloomer, WI. All area legislators were invited. Those that attended included Senator Kathy Bernier, Representative Dave Armstrong, Representative Jesse James, Representative Warren Petryk, and Representative Rob Summerfield. "Each elected official had ten minutes to listen to business leaders’ feedback and concerns on a variety of topics impacting growth in their communities," noted Donna Walker of Dairyland Power and WEDA Board of Directors Chair. "After each ten-minute increment, legislators rotated to the next [...]

Legislative “Speed Dating” Feedback Social Held2022-06-24T10:05:20-05:00

So Many Reasons to Celebrate!

There are all kinds of reasons to celebrate Economic Development Week (May 9-13), but one of the most important is to celebrate, recognize, and thank the many staff, volunteers, and economic development organizations that work diligently to build wealth in our communities. Their daily actions create more economically vibrant and livable places, as well as encourage teamwork among organizations and businesses. In the Chippewa Valley, our local governments have officially proclaimed Economic Development Week. CEDC utilizes the week to not only pat ourselves on the back but to congratulate our partners, collaborators, and colleagues for all the hard work they do. It is always productive to take a moment to reflect on the accomplishments and gather together to network and lift each other up so the mission of economic development can continue. On Thursday, [...]

So Many Reasons to Celebrate!2022-05-18T15:02:52-05:00

2020 CEDA Winners & Finalists Announced by Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation

Economic development professionals, community leaders and businesses from across Wisconsin gathered virtually to view a live stream of the 2020 Community and Economic Development Awards (CEDA) held by Wisconsin Economic Development Association (WEDA). WEDA and its partner organizations created the CEDA program to recognize economic development best practices of businesses and organizations that are making their community a better place to live and work. The CEDA program celebrates the dedicated efforts of local, county, regional, state and private organizations that are advancing Wisconsin's economy. In turn, Chippewa County Economic Development Corporation (CCEDC) is honored to share that two companies in the Chippewa Valley were recognized and awarded in two different categories at this prestigious virtual event hosted by WEDA. Since 2008 VES, a Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin based global company that scientifically designs environmental [...]

2020 CEDA Winners & Finalists Announced by Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation2020-09-18T13:47:40-05:00
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