Over 40 CEDC Investors representing banking, heath care, agriculture, manufacturing, education, and  construction attended the 2nd Chippewa Economic Development Corporation’s (CEDC) legislative “speed dating” event.  Organized by CEDC and the Wisconsin Economic Development Association (WEDA), legislative speed dating was designed as a way for economic development stakeholders to meet Chippewa Valley’s multiple legislators in a short amount of time. It allowed for focused discussions on various topics of interest. All of the Chippewa Valley’s state representatives in the Assembly and Senate were invited as well as Congressman Derrick Van Orden to jump from table to table every 8 minutes to listen to issues of concern. Congressman Van Orden was represented, and State Senator Jesse James, State Senator Quinn, Rep. Dave Armstrong, Rep. Karen Hurd, and Rep. Moses all attended.

WEDA has been working on numerous legislative proposals important to their members like CEDC and the larger the economic development community. It was only fitting that Michael Welsh – their Vice President of Legislative Affairs and Communications, assisted in keeping the “dating going” and the issues flowing. Issues such as the recent HSHS closing, economic development infrastructure funding,  tax climate and reform, immigration, and competitive issues were topics that were commonly  discussed.

CEDC would like to thank Chippewa Family Restaurant for hosting the event and serving an outstanding breakfast and our sponsors for the opportunity for our region’s state legislators to discuss the issues important to business and our economy. The CEDC speed dating is a rare opportunity to have dialogue with our elected representatives in small groups. They appreciate hearing directly from business owners about needs and opportunities in the Chippewa Valley.