Workforce Businesses Are Looking For!

Instrumental Talent Advantage & Pipeline Collaboration

Chippewa’s institutions of higher learning, including universities, local community colleges, trade schools, and workforce training academies help position a steady supply of educated and motivated students to enter the workforce. Collaboration plays a critical role in developing and maintaining our talent pipeline, and is seamless between our industries and educational eco-system. When businesses invest here, Chippewa’s greatest asset becomes theirs immediately.

Our K-12 and post-secondary education providers support workforce needs with specialized training and continuing education. Impactful, proactive programs and strategies like those below have created a robust labor force in the Chippewa Valley!

Diverse Workforce

Navigating & Exploring Resources

The Chippewa Economic Development Corporation has created a multi-faceted approach to helping businesses navigate the plentiful and professional workforce partners throughout Wisconsin. For instance, working in collaboration with the Chippewa Valley Council of Boy Scouts, CEDC helped them strategically expanded their Career Exploring Program with an added emphasis of expanding the talent pipeline within the advanced manufacturing sector. The unique Manufacturing Career Exploring Program provides exciting activities and one-on-one mentoring for young men and women ages 10 – 20. The program provided students with an opportunity to learn about a wide variety of advanced manufacturing career fields and network with professionals already working in those fields. They get hands-on experience to determine whether a particular manufacturing career field is right for them, they develop valuable networking contacts, and get with to know other youths with the same interests. Several local manufacturing firms now utilize the program to identify future quality employees.

Chippewa is Military Friendly!

Chippewa Economic Development Corporation works with State of Wisconsin to invite veterans from across the state and country to learn about the family-supporting employment opportunities available in here in the Chippewa Valley. Military personnel who are separating from service or returning from deployment are finding that GI benefits go further in Wisconsin, with more opportunities available to both veterans and their families. Chippewa County employers enjoy direct access to a steady stream of technically skilled men and women who separate or retire from Midwest military installations each year with an emphasis on targeting the following:

  • Fort McCoy which houses the 84th Training Command (Leader Readiness), 88th Regional Support Command and Wisconsin National Guard Military Academy
  • Scott Air Force Base in Illinois which commands and controls all logistics of United States military in air, over land and across the sea
  • Naval Station Great Lakes, the largest military installation in Illinois and the largest training center in the Navy

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