Chippewa County Economic Development Corporation (CCEDC) hosted local business owners and company representatives this afternoon in Chippewa Falls, WI at HSHS St. Joseph’s Hospital. Attendees discussed how employee support services can help build employee loyalty in the workplace and how mental health is just as critical to your most valuable assets of your company.

The event was presented by Neal Bennett, President of Occupational Chaplains of America (OCA). Bennett discussed that for employees to perform at their best they need to be able to have a positive outlet during the demands throughout their working day and that is where OCA is available. OCA provides certified, occupational chaplains that interact with employees on a regular basis and are there to help your employees during their time of need or crisis situations. OCA understands that human resource directors and managers have a lot of demands throughout their working day. Utilizing OCA’s employee support services will give companies more time to focus on corporate objectives and responsibilities, while knowing you’re providing the personal support your people desperately need.

CCEDC and attendees also had an opportunity to hear an update from HSHS St. Joseph’s Hospital new President/CEO John Wagner. Wagner stressed the importance of mental health and how employees appreciate a neutral and trusted resource. CCEDC would like to thank our sponsors that helped with this event that included HSHS St. Joseph’s Hospital and Marawood Construction Services!