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Do you have a scalable business model that can reach high growth rates over time? Do you have a product or idea that can transform into a wide variety of products or a service that is specific to certain industries or markets? Investors are looking for exceptional teams and products that fit their investment criteria so they can make a return on their investment. Local investors are a key part of the Chippewa Valley entrepreneurial ecosystem and might be able to provide the capital that your startup needs. Attend the Chippewa Valley HATCH Pitch Competition to pitch your idea for a business startup.

CEDC has partnered with Start-up Chippewa Valley Week along with other sponsors to host a regional investors gathering at 29 Pines Restaurant and Lodge in  Eau Claire on November 16th, 2022, at 5:00 pm. This cool event celebrates entrepreneurs and helps starting ones with their pitch for a business idea or product. Selected entrepreneurs will have five minutes to pitch their idea or business plan to a panel of judges and a live audience. Spectators will have a chance to evaluate and vote for their favorite pitch alongside the judges. Beyond the chance of winning $5,000 for the best PITCH,  this is an opportunity to share your fresh and creative business idea with supportive investors, businesses, and community members!


4:30 PM – 5 PM High School Pitches (Judges Only)

4:30 PM – 5  PM VIP Reception (Invite Only)

5 PM  Open to the Public (refreshments served)

5:45 PM – 7:30 PM Pitches (time depends on the number of pitches and may be shortened accordingly)

7:30 PM – 7:45 PM Judges and Attendees Vote

7:45 PM – 8 PM Awards & Photos


For Sponsorship Levels or a PITCH application, contact: Staff@chippewa-wi.com or call 715-723-7150

UPDATE: As of 11/2/2022, this event is SOLD OUT. No new RSVPs on any platform will be accepted.

UPDATE: Please note that our venue has changed to 29 Pines Restaurant and Lodge.



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